Thursday, April 10, 2008


It's hard to believe I haven't updated the blog since December. I'd LIKE to say that much has been accomplished, but that hasn't been least on the car. Home maintenance and repair, job, and time with Ally have taken their toll on car work time. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and some progress has been made.

No new pictures of them, but the nose cone and front valence have been bead blasted and are awaiting coating with Eastwood products for rustproofing and prevention. A few more parts have been sourced also:
  • a nice nose cone badge finding it's way across the ocean courtesy of eBay

  • a second set of wood pieces so that I can try refinishing them myself (eBay)

  • a center console without the speaker hole but with that cool Triumph script (eBay)

  • much better condition Stag brake rotors (eBay)

  • and finally, something really cool, adjustable camber/caster plates from Australia (KMac, off of eBay)

Once the TCOC Gathering is finished (April 18-20) I hope to be starting on the car again. Maybe next time I post I'll have real progress to show....

And if you're reading this before 10 PM EST on April 10 and you're in the triangle area, be sure and tune in to WPTF am 680 from 10-11 pm and you'll hear Paul Morro and myself talking about British cars on the Tom Kearney show!